William M. Windsor has compiled the data for WorldsLargest.us. Bill Windsor is uniquely qualified. He believes he is the only person in the world who has ever taken two 50-state road trips – continuous trips to visit all 50 states. The two trips took a little over 365 days and visited thousands of cities and towns.
WorldsLargest.us has used the information gathered for Round America, the well-known first trip. That information has been supplemented by searching state visitor information and online sources. WorldsLargest.us provides one click to everything you could ever want to know about a big, bigger, or biggest person, place, or thing.
In addition to addresses, Bill Windsor captured latitude and longitude information, and this is displayed for your use. By integrating Google Maps with our data, all it takes is one click for Directions from where you are to each Listing of interest.
Several options have been created to make it very easy to search for Listings of interest.
Under the “Additional Information” heading on each Listing, the first item is “Stars.” This is Bill Windsor’s rating of the significance of a Listing to WorldsLargest.us. 1 to 5 Stars, with 5-Stars indicating a Must See. Of course, what’s important to one will be meaningless to another. Bill’s Stars Rating is his attempt to rate the Listings as to importance to the average sightseer.